It all started on Monday, December 1st. I went in for my regular NST and some bloodwork (since at the last appt b/p was elevated more than usual and we were going to schedule induction for that Thursday). My bloodpressure on Monday was 170/100 and was not going down. So the doctor sent us right over to the hospital for induction. We were not prepared at all, since we figured things would just wait til later in the week. I called my mom and she met us at the hospital and Patrick went to get tour bags.
It took forever for things to get started since they had to do more bloodwork and wait on the results. Finally, at 2pm we started the gel to ripen my cervix, since I was only 1 cm dilated. This would take 12 hrs and they we would start the pitocin at 2am in the morning. We started the gel, but also had to start an IV of potassium (which burns like wouldn't believe...I had to have it diluted and slower, so it took double the time, but was worth it so I wasn't in agony) and an IV of magnesium, since my levels were really low. The next 12 hrs went by really slowly and with all the monitoring and things going on, it was hard to get any rest. At 2am, they checked me and I was only 2cm dilated. They were about to start the pitocin when the doctor changed his mind and decided to start another med to ripen my cervix more. This was only supposed to take 2 hrs this time. So by around 5am, they checked me again and I was still only 3-4cm, but they started the pitocin. At some point later in the morning, contractions were getting stronger and I was in pretty much pain, so I asked for the epidural. Within the hour they had my epidural started and within an hour, it stopped working. They came and checked it and couldn't find a problem at first except for some drainage. Every time they readjusted it, it would work for a 1/2 hr and then stop working. This continued for awhile until hey decided to try to take it out and put it back in. Again this worked for a 1/2 hour and then stopped. By this time, it was like 4-5pm. The resident checked me and I was only 6 cm dilated. I had no progress over several hours. At this point, the resident and the nurse decided it was time for a c-section and I completely agreed. We just need to wait for my doctor to arrive.
Once the doctor got to the hospital, the anesthesiologists had to decide what to do for pain. They had to decide between the epidural (which still wasn't working), a spinal and putting me under. They decided they couldn't do a spinal because of the drainage from the epidural and some other reasons I don't remember. They decided to try the epidural with a stronger med. Luckily, it worked for the most part. Because it was stronger, I was able to lay on the side where the epidural wasn't working at all, so the meds could get there. This worked, so we were good to go. My mom got dressed to go into the OR with me (Patrick didn't think he could deal with the blood and such) and he was able to go to the nursery and wait for Paige. Things went great from there on. I don't remember much except seeing Paige and kissing her. Then they took her away and Patrick was able to be with her and let all the grandparents see her. Once I was stitched up, I went back to our room and they eventually brought Paige in for me to feed her. She was so perfect. After 31 hours of labor, I had our miracle baby. She was born at 6lb. 5 ounces. and 20 inches. She was so tiny, but she has the longest toes ever. It was hard not being able to get up and get her, but Patrick was amazing with her. He changed all the diapers and walked and rocked her when she needed to be comforted. It killed me to hear her cry, but he got her to calm down like he'd been a father forever. It was so natural for him and he looks so cute with her. Paige also did great with breastfeeding right away. When we left the hospital on Friday (yes we were there for over 90 hours), she was down to 6lbs - but by Monday (6 days), she was back up to 6lb. 6 ounces already.