Monday, March 30, 2009

Life with Paige

I know I haven't posted on here in awhile. I've actually started a blog just for Paige: I'm just not ready for my entire family to know our entire journey. Most of them know we had trouble, but some of the things we went through, I just don't know if I want to share with everyone. It was my journey with my husband and writing about it was my outlet during that time.

For those of you who want to know about me and our journey, I'll try to keep updating. Originally, Patrick and I had plans of trying for number two almost right away, which would probably be now. But we've decided that its just not what we want to do right now for several reasons. The main reason is Paige. She is so amazing and I love her more than I ever thought possible. We want our time with her and its no fair to start trying, possibly start treatments again, and bring a new baby into our lives so quickly. She deserves our time and we have time to give. We're not old enough to be worrying about this. Yes, we want to be young parents, but we have a year or so to spare. Secondly, the economy. It sucks and in our industries, the economy seriously affects us. If one of us lost our job, we would definitely struggle financially. Finally, being a parent is tough - much harder than we thought. I couldn't imagine being pregnant and having Paige and then having two under two. It would be difficult.

So, we're taking our time and enjoying this amazing little one!