Thursday, June 5, 2008


Wow, I can't believe I'm 14w. It seems like things are going so slow but then it just hits you. We had our first OB appt yesterday. Lots of info and u/s though. We did get to hear the heartbeat though - 161. Not as squirmy as last time but still moving around a bunch. I haven't put any weight on, so we're going food shopping with my parents this weekend to make sure there's enough here for me to eat. Otherwise all is well.

We're still with my parents right now. We've seen so many places, but I can't find one that is nice. It has never been this hard for us to find something. I'm trying to be patient, but its so hard living like this with our stuff all over the place. Other than that, things are quiet.


Melissa said...

Just was thinking of you.. How are you feeling? Is the morning sickness gone? Good luck finding a place!

Anonymous said...