Wednesday, April 16, 2008

6w5d - I Know its Been Awhile

Things were pretty uneventful after we finally found the pumpkin. At night, I would only feel a little nauseous because of lingering smells wherever we were. But then while we were in Philadelphia this past weekend for a conference for Pat, morning sickness hit full on. I did not want to eat anything and everything was making me feel sick. So since Saturday, the little pumpkin has decided that food isn't so good. I haven't thrown up, but I am constantly nauseous. Yesterday, I had some crackers and Gatorade and took a B6 vitamin - I had 4 full hours of comfort and was able to grab some real food for dinner, but then it started right back up. I know not eating is part of the problem, but I don't feel good when I eat and I don't feel good when I do eat. I called the doctors office today and got the mean nurse. She said there is nothing they can give me, which I know is a lie - there are some things out there that could provide a little relief. I guess since I'm not actually throwing anything up, I don't warrant a pill to help me. Its not like I really want to take something because I don't, but I just want to make sure the baby is getting everything needed and right now I feel like the baby is not getting enough nutritional food.

Anyway, I guess I only have 6 more weeks from what I've read and heard. With trying to start packing these next few weeks, though, I hope I can be of some help to Pat. And on a great note, we get to see the little pumpkin on Monday and hopefully see and hear the little beating heart. I feel like this will all be real then. With all the scares we had in the beginning, this will be so amazing.


Lisa said...

I sympathize with how you're feeling. I was really worried about the baby when I wasnt able to eat but it is really ok. It is hard to believe but that baby is getting what it needs. I hope relief comes soon and it doesnt get worse before it gets better! PS Did you hear where you're moving yet?

Melissa said...

I'm sorry you're feeling sick.. Someone on the TTC6+ board recommended Cola Syrup.. I have no idea what that is though. :)

Also.. its monday.. and i'm now stalking your blog because today was your ultrasound.. :)