Monday, March 24, 2008


I can't believe this! I got a BFN yesterday at 9dpiui, which was fine. It was really early and basically I wanted to know that the trigger was out. And I'm thinking its out because today I got two BFPs!!! I can't believe I'm saying this. I never thought this would happen! I've been so positive this time though. I'm trying to stay calm and cautious, but I'm so excited! I called RE to see if I can get in early for a beta - I'm not supposed to go til next Monday and I can't wait that long. I'm waiting for a call back. Now I'm waiting for Patrick to get home to tell him!! I'm on the phone with him now and its killing me not telling him. But I want to do it in person. I'll keep you updated!


Lisa said...

Oh man! I checked your blog this morning and must have been just a few minutes too early to see this! Congratulations!!!!!

Melissa said...

AHHH!!! I just sent you a message on Facebook before i ever saw this!! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!! This is fabulous fantastic EXCELLENT news!! CONGRATS ERIN!!!!