Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Finally get to Trigger

After 13 long days of Gonal F shots, I finally get to do my very last shot for the cycle - the trigger shot. I am so excited! I have two follies - a 20 and 18. I also have lots of smaller ones on the right. This is huge! I have never seen 1 follie, let alone two that are ready to pop. This has got to be it. Things are finally working. So, IUI is scheduled for Friday morning. I think Pat is going to come with me. I never really thought about it until someone on the Nest said their DH is there with her so he is in the room when a baby is being made. I never even thought of that! It will be so amazing to have him there with me and apart of this process. Don't get me wrong, it will still be kind of weird having him there in the room with me, but weirdness aside, I think this will make a huge impact.

Aside from the bruising on my stomach (from the injectibles), arms (from blood-draws every other day), and huge amount of bloat, I am feeling fine and as you can tell, completely hopeful and optimistic about this cycle. I've been doing everything I can - even visualizing being pregnant and having the baby here with us. I know this sounds weird, but it worked for another girl, and at this point, I would try anything.

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